This article describes how to troubleshoot when the FortiMail-VM upgrade fails.
Step 1: This error usually happens because of the wrong firmware image being used. Make sure to use the correct firmware image for the VM platform such as Hyper V or KVM.
Step 2: Refer to the list of some of the common VM platforms with their corresponding firmware image.
Hyper V: FML_VMHV-64-v742.M-build0583-FORTINET.out KVM : FML_VMKV-64-v742.M-build0583-FORTINET.out VMware ESXI : FML_VM-64-v742.M-build0583-FORTINET.out
Step 3: Once the correct firmware image is loaded to the FortiMail, the error should be gone and the FortiMail should be upgraded to the desired version.