This article describes how to troubleshoot an issue where the client is unable to map to the expected SSL VPN portal despite the configuration being in place correctly.
All FortiOS Version.
FortiGate does not honor or perform the group membership lookups when the end-user client tries to connect to SSL VPN using FortiClient.
In this example, the end-user ‘test’ is a part of the group ‘local_vpn_users’.
edit "test" set type password set passwd-time 2023-03-12 23:10:49 set passwd FortinetPasswordMask next edit "local_vpn_users" set member “test” next
The group is mapped with SSL-VPN portal “full-access”
config authentication-rule edit 1 set groups "local_vpn_users" set portal "full-access" next
The proper policy is in place:
set status enable set name "allow_sslvpn" set uuid xxx set srcintf "ssl.root" set dstintf "internal_port" set action accept set srcaddr "all" set dstaddr "all" set schedule "always" set groups "local_vpn_users"
The user authenticated to the correct group. However, the user could not map to the expected SSL-VPN portal. It validated through the default SSL-VPN authentication portal (authentication rule 0).
[3629:root:a]fsv_logincheck_common_handler:1347 user 'test' has a matched local entry. [3629:root:a]two factor check for test: off [3629:root:a]sslvpn_authenticate_user:193 authenticate user: [test] [3629:root:a]sslvpn_authenticate_user:211 create fam state [3629:root:a]fam_auth_send_req:892 found node test:0:, valid:1 [3629:root:a][fam_auth_send_req_internal:429] Groups sent to FNBAM: [3629:root:a]group_desc[0].grpname = test [3629:root:a]group_desc[1].grpname = local_vpn_users [3629:root:a][fam_auth_send_req_internal:441] FNBAM opt = 0X201420 [3629:root:a]fam_auth_send_req_internal:517 fnbam_auth return: 0 [3629:root:a][fam_auth_send_req_internal:543] Authenticated groups (2) by FNBAM with auth_type (1): [3629:root:a]Received: auth_rsp_data.grp_list[0] = 16777221 [3629:root:a]Received: auth_rsp_data.grp_list[1] = 14 [3629:root:a]fam_auth_send_req_internal:567 found node local_vpn_users:0:, valid:1, auth:0 [3629:root:a]Validated: auth_rsp_data.grp_list[1] = local_vpn_users [3629:root:a][fam_auth_send_req_internal:657] The user test is authenticated. [3629:root:a]fam_do_cb:682 fnbamd return auth success. [3629:root:a]SSL VPN login matched rule (0). [3629:root:a]User Agent: FortiSSLVPN (Windows NT; SV1 [SV{v=02.01; f=07;}]) [3629:root:0]get tunnel link address4 [3629:root:a]rmt_web_session_create:1029 create web session, idx[1] [3629:root:a]login_succeeded:553 redirect to hostcheck [3629:root:a]Transfer-Encoding n/a [3629:root:a]Content-Length 205 [3629:root:a]rmt_hcinstall_cb_handler:210 enter [3629:root:a]User Agent: FortiSSLVPN (Windows NT; SV1 [SV{v=02.01; f=07;}]) [3629:root:a]rmt_hcinstall_cb_handler:288 hostchk needed : 0. [3629:root:a]deconstruct_session_id:505 decode session id ok, user=[test], group=[],authserver=[],portal=[download_client],host[],realm=[],csrf_ token=[CF7044A68C4C7C7BDDD8183144B92D],idx=1,auth=1,sid=2fb54979,login=1723996959,access=1723996959,saml_logout_url=no,pip=no,grp_info=[ISi2FD],rmt_grp_info=[] [3629:root:a]Transfer-Encoding n/a [3629:root:a]Content-Length 205 [3629:root:a]req: /remote/fortisslvpn [3629:root:a]Transfer-Encoding n/a [3629:root:a]Content-Length n/a [3627:root:a]Timeout for connection 0x7f309b455800.
This issue occurs as the user somehow gets corrupted.
To resolve the issue, recreate the user and add in the group.