Are you ready to dive into the depths of Azeroth and uncover its hidden mysteries? World of Warcraft: The War Within takes you on an exhilarating journey through uncharted subterranean realms, where danger lurks at every turn.
With this straightforward guide, you’ll breeze through Brax’s Brass Knuckles quest like a seasoned adventurer. Here’s what you need to do:
- Seek out Innkeeper Brax in The Ringing Deeps, Gundargaz (47.96 32.18) to embark on your quest.
- Take down any of the marked NPCs in the area until you’ve secured a coveted Brax’s Brass Knuckles drop. Keep an eye out for Creeping Lashroom, Disturbed Kelp, or Sweetsnuffler.
- Make your way to the main room inside the Gundargaz Inn (47.66 32.18).
- Pacify all six Rowdy Patrons, including the sneaky one perched on the shelf to the right of the entrance. Target their distinct glow and use your extra action button to subdue them.
- Return to Innkeeper Brax to triumphantly complete the quest and reap your well-earned rewards!
As you navigate this thrilling expansion, prepare to face the menacing Harbinger of the Void and its arachnid army, hell-bent on Azeroth’s destruction. Embrace the challenge and immerse yourself in a world brimming with captivating new features—from Delves and Warbands to Hero Talents and the awe-inspiring Skyriding.
Embark on this unforgettable adventure with confidence, knowing that this guide will be your trusty companion every step of the way. Get ready to leave your mark on the ever-evolving world of Azeroth!