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How to edit disclaimer page to open another web page after selecting the ‘Yes, I agree’ button

This article describes how to edit a disclaimer page after selecting the ‘Yes, I agree’ button, another web page can be presented automatically.





When the user is presented with a disclaimer page and selects the ‘Yes, I agree’ button, the administrator wants to present a new web page to the user. (Example: the organization’s internal website).

This can be done by editing the source code of the disclaimer page.

From GUI, Go to System -> Replacement Messages -> Extended View -> Authentication -> Disclaimer Page, ‘double-click’ or select ‘Edit‘, and add the below code to the function sb(val):

if(val == '1'){"");

Replace to the desired website by the administrator. See the below screenshot:

Replace to the desired website by the administrator

Clear existing sessions before testing this change.