This article describes how to create three address objects (Class A, B, and C) and add them to an address group.
Sometimes, the address group ‘all’ or ‘g_all’ is not used on firewall policies, but the user wants to cover a large range of IP addresses.
Once classes D and E are not used on the Internet classes A, B, and C could be used to replace ‘all’ and ‘g_all’
Step 1: Create the address object by selecting Policy & Objects > Addresses > Create New.
Step 2: Create the address object class A. Class_A can be used as a name, select IP Range and add the range
Step 3: Repeat the steps above to create the address objects for classes B and C. Use the following commands via CLI:
config firewall address edit "Class_A" set type iprange set color 21 set start-ip set end-ip next edit "Class_B" set type iprange set color 21 set start-ip set end-ip next edit "Class_C" set type iprange set color 21 set start-ip set end-ip next end
Step 4: Create a group and add the three members to classes A, B, and C.
Commands to create the group via CLI:
config firewall addrgrp edit "Classes_A_B_C" set member "Class_A" "Class_B" "Class_C" next end