If you’re short on time to listen to your favorite podcasts, you can use AI to summarize them into a quick read.
Follow these steps:
- Go to Podbean. Here we’ll search and download the audio of the podcast episodes.
- Go to Podcastle and sign up for free.
- Select “Transcribe” and upload the audio. Once it is uploaded, right-click on it and select “Transcribe” again.
- Select the number of speakers and the language and wait a few seconds.
- Once the transcript is generated, click on “Export” and download it as a pdf.
- Upload the PDF of the podcast transcript to ChatGPT and add the following prompt:
This is the transcript for a podcast episode. Generate a summary of the podcast following these guidelines: - Organize the summary into distinct sections for each question. - Summarize the main points from the answers in bullet points under each section - Be very detailed in your answers and do not skip any key points.
Note: Some podcasts provide transcripts directly on their websites, which would allow you to skip steps 1 to 5.