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How Do You Solve the Dragon Age Veilguard Huge Owl Statue Puzzle for Hidden Secret?

Got a giant owl statue staring you down in Dragon Age: Inquisition? If you’re scratching your head trying to unlock it, you’re not alone. Let’s solve this together. This statue puzzle isn’t tricky once you get the trick, but it’s easy to miss if you’re rushing through.

How Do You Solve the Dragon Age Veilguard Huge Owl Statue Puzzle for a Hidden Secret?

You’ll see this owl statue early on, and next to it? A poem. Cryptic, right? Here’s how it goes: “The secrets with the past now hidden to each and every man forbidden. But seek ye with a watchful eye, find a key in the owl’s cry.”

To kick things off, get yourself up to the statue. Don’t have the ladder shortcut yet? Take the long way—head left and follow the trail up. Now, when you get to the statue, this is where the magic happens.


  1. Reach the owl statue. You’ll find it near the forest’s edge, close enough to make it feel eerie but intriguing.
  2. Interact with the statue. When you approach, press interact, and the poem appears. It’s a bit mysterious but don’t get lost in it.
  3. Repeat the interaction. Yep, just interact again. It might sound too simple, but that’s the key here.

Once you do this twice, the puzzle should unlock. It’s a “blink and you’ll miss it” kind of thing. Don’t overthink it! The designers knew you’d second-guess yourself, but sometimes the easiest answer is the right one.