If you are new to Linux, you may wonder how to delete a folder from the terminal or the graphical user interface. This article will show you how to use two common commands, rm and rmdir, to remove folders in Linux. You will also learn some tips and tricks to avoid data loss or system damage.
Table of Contents
How to Remove a Folder in Linux Using the Terminal
The terminal, also known as the command line or the shell, is a text-based interface that allows you to interact with your system using commands. You can open the terminal by pressing Ctrl+Alt+T or by searching for it in the application menu.
To remove a folder in Linux using the terminal, you need to use one of the following commands:
- rmdir: This command removes empty folders only. It is useful when you want to delete a folder without checking its contents.
- rm: This command removes folders and files, regardless of whether they are empty or not. It is more powerful and flexible, but also more dangerous.
How to Remove an Empty Folder Using rmdir
The syntax of the rmdir command is:
rmdir [options] folder_name
To remove an empty folder, simply type the command followed by the name of the folder. For example, to remove a folder named test, you would type:
rmdir test
If the folder is not empty, the command will fail and display an error message. In that case, you need to use the rm command or manually delete the folder contents before using rmdir.
How to Remove a Non-Empty Folder Using rm
The syntax of the rm command is:
rm [options] file_or_folder_name
By default, the rm command does not remove folders, only files. To remove a folder and its contents, you need to use the -r or -R option, which stands for recursive. For example, to remove a folder named test and everything inside it, you would type:
rm -r test
Be careful when using this command, as it will delete everything without asking for confirmation. To avoid accidental deletion, you can use the -i option, which stands for interactive. This will prompt you to confirm each deletion. For example:
rm -ri test
Another useful option is -v, which stands for verbose. This will display the name of each file and folder that is being deleted. For example:
rm -rv test
You can combine multiple options together, such as -ri, -rv, or -rf. The -f option stands for force, which will suppress any errors or warnings and delete everything without prompting.
To remove multiple folders at once, you can specify more than one name, separated by spaces. For example, to remove three folders named test1, test2, and test3, you would type:
rm -r test1 test2 test3
How to Remove a Folder in Linux Using the Graphical User Interface
If you prefer to use the graphical user interface (GUI), you can also remove folders using a file manager, such as Nautilus, Dolphin, or Thunar. A file manager is a program that allows you to browse, view, and manipulate files and folders using a graphical interface.
To remove a folder using a file manager, follow these steps:
- Open the file manager and navigate to the location of the folder you want to delete.
- Right-click on the folder and select Move to Trash or Delete, depending on your file manager. This will move the folder to the Trash folder, where you can restore it if needed.
- Alternatively, you can select the folder and press the Delete key on your keyboard, or drag and drop it to the Trash icon on your desktop or panel.
- To permanently delete the folder, you need to empty the Trash folder. You can do this by right-clicking on the Trash icon and selecting Empty Trash, or by opening the Trash folder and selecting Empty Trash from the menu.
This article has shown you how to remove a folder in Linux using the terminal or the graphical user interface. You have learned how to use the rmdir and rm commands, as well as some of their options and caveats. You have also learned how to use a file manager to delete folders graphically.
Remember to be careful when deleting folders, especially with the rm command, as you may lose important data or damage your system. Always double-check the name and path of the folder you want to delete, and use the -i option to confirm each deletion. If you are not sure about a command, you can always use the –help option to see its usage and options.