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How Is Street Fighter 6 Embracing Diversity and Inclusivity?

Capcom’s Street Fighter 6 is making waves with its diverse cast, particularly the introduction of Eternity, the flamboyant non-playable character (NPC) host of the Battle Hub. Eternity’s appearance and demeanor have sparked discussions about their gender identity, with many fans interpreting them as non-binary.

How Is Street Fighter 6 Embracing Diversity and Inclusivity?

While Capcom has not officially confirmed Eternity’s gender, their design speaks volumes:

  1. Flamboyant style with colored hair, jewelry, and form-fitting clothes
  2. Effeminate mannerisms despite primarily masculine features
  3. Voice that strays from the typical “masculine” tone

Eternity’s ambiguous gender presentation has drawn comparisons to characters like Ruby Rhod from The Fifth Element and various anime characters. This ambiguity has led to heated debates within the gaming community, with some embracing Eternity as a potential LGBTQIA+ icon and others expressing disappointment or confusion.

Capcom’s silence on the matter is not surprising, given their history with characters like Poison. However, the divisive community response highlights the need for more authentic and well-defined representation of LGBTQIA+ characters in gaming.

The effort put into designing Kimberly, the first Black female fighter in the series, through consultation with Black employees and consultants, sets a positive precedent. Applying the same level of care and attention to LGBTQIA+ characters could help prevent ambiguity and ensure more meaningful representation in the future.

As fans continue to speculate and discuss Eternity’s gender identity, it remains to be seen whether Capcom will provide clarity or leave it open to interpretation. Regardless, Eternity’s presence in Street Fighter 6 has ignited important conversations about diversity and inclusion in gaming.