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How to Fix the lastLogonTimestamp Attribute in Active Directory

The lastLogonTimestamp attribute in Active Directory is a useful way to identify inactive user and computer accounts. However, sometimes this attribute may not reflect the actual logon date of the accounts, leading to confusion and errors. In this article, we will explain why the lastLogonTimestamp attribute may not be accurate, and how to fix it using PowerShell and other tools.

What is the lastLogonTimestamp Attribute?

The lastLogonTimestamp attribute is a replicated attribute that stores the date and time of the last successful interactive logon for a user or computer account. It was introduced in Windows Server 2003 to help administrators find and disable stale accounts without querying all domain controllers.

The lastLogonTimestamp attribute is updated only when its current value is older than the current time minus the value of the msDS-LogonTimeSyncInterval attribute, which is 14 days by default. This means that the lastLogonTimestamp attribute may be up to 14 days behind the current date, and it is not intended to provide real-time logon information.

Why is the lastLogonTimestamp Attribute Not Accurate?

There are several reasons why the lastLogonTimestamp attribute may not reflect the actual logon date of the accounts, such as:

  • The account has not logged on interactively, but only through network or service logons, which do not update the lastLogonTimestamp attribute.
  • The account has logged on to a domain controller that has not replicated the lastLogonTimestamp attribute to other domain controllers yet, due to replication latency or errors.
  • The account has logged on to a domain controller that has a different system time or time zone than the other domain controllers, causing the lastLogonTimestamp attribute to be inaccurate.
  • The account has logged on to a domain controller that has been upgraded from an older operating system, and the lastLogonTimestamp attribute has not been initialized properly.

How to Fix the lastLogonTimestamp Attribute?

To fix the lastLogonTimestamp attribute, you need to force the attribute to be updated on all domain controllers, and make sure that the system time and time zone are consistent across the domain. You can use the following methods to do so:

Solution 1: Use PowerShell to update the lastLogonTimestamp attribute for all accounts

You can use the Set-ADUser and Set-ADComputer cmdlets to modify the lastLogonTimestamp attribute for user and computer accounts, respectively. For example, the following command will update the lastLogonTimestamp attribute for all user accounts in the domain:

Get-ADUser -Filter * | Set-ADUser -Replace @{lastLogonTimestamp=0}

Solution 2: Use the Active Directory Replication Status Tool to check and fix the replication issues between domain controllers

This tool is a free GUI application that can help you monitor and troubleshoot the replication health of your domain controllers.

Solution 3: Use the Windows Time Service to synchronize the system time and time zone across the domain

The Windows Time Service is a built-in service that ensures that the clocks of all computers in a domain are synchronized with a reliable time source, such as an external NTP server or a domain controller. You can use the w32tm command-line tool to configure and troubleshoot the Windows Time Service. For example, the following command will resynchronize the time of the local computer with its time source:

w32tm /resync

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

Question: How can I find the last logon date of an account in Active Directory?

Answer: You can use the Get-ADUser and Get-ADComputer cmdlets to retrieve the last logon date of a user or computer account, respectively. For example, the following command will display the last logon date of a user account named John:

Get-ADUser John -Properties lastLogonDate | Select-Object Name, lastLogonDate

However, keep in mind that the lastLogonDate property is a calculated value based on the lastLogonTimestamp attribute, and it may not be accurate for the reasons mentioned above. If you want to get the most accurate last logon date of an account, you need to query the lastLogon attribute, which is updated every time a user or computer logs on, but is not replicated. This means that you need to query all domain controllers and compare the results to find the most recent date. You can use the following PowerShell script to do so:

# Get the user or computer account name
$AccountName = Read-Host "Enter the account name"

# Get all domain controllers
$DCs = Get-ADDomainController -Filter *

# Initialize a variable to store the latest logon date
$LatestLogon = 0

# Loop through each domain controller
foreach ($DC in $DCs) {

  # Get the last logon date of the account from the current domain controller
  $LastLogon = Get-ADUser $AccountName -Server $DC.HostName -Properties lastLogon | Select-Object -ExpandProperty lastLogon

  # If the last logon date is later than the latest logon date, update the latest logon date
  if ($LastLogon -gt $LatestLogon) {
    $LatestLogon = $LastLogon

# Convert the latest logon date to a readable format
$LatestLogonDate = [DateTime]::FromFileTime($LatestLogon)

# Display the latest logon date
Write-Host "The latest logon date of $AccountName is $LatestLogonDate"

Question: How can I disable inactive accounts in Active Directory?

Answer: You can use PowerShell to disable inactive user and computer accounts in Active Directory based on the lastLogonTimestamp attribute. For example, the following command will disable all user accounts that have not logged on for more than 90 days:

# Get the current date
$CurrentDate = Get-Date

# Get the threshold date for 90 days
$ThresholdDate = $CurrentDate.AddDays(-90)

# Convert the threshold date to a file time format
$ThresholdFileTime = $ThresholdDate.ToFileTime()

# Get all user accounts that have not logged on since the threshold date
$InactiveUsers = Get-ADUser -Filter {lastLogonTimestamp -lt $ThresholdFileTime -and Enabled -eq $true}

# Disable all inactive user accounts
$InactiveUsers | Disable-ADAccount

You can modify the command to suit your needs, such as changing the number of days, filtering by specific organizational units, or excluding certain accounts. You can also use the Disable-ADComputer cmdlet to disable inactive computer accounts.


The lastLogonTimestamp attribute in Active Directory is a helpful way to identify inactive user and computer accounts, but it may not be accurate due to various factors. To fix the lastLogonTimestamp attribute, you need to update it on all domain controllers, and ensure that the system time and time zone are consistent across the domain. You can use PowerShell, the Active Directory Replication Status Tool, and the Windows Time Service to achieve this. You can also use PowerShell to find the last logon date of an account, and disable inactive accounts in Active Directory.

Disclaimer: This article is for informational purposes only and does not constitute professional advice. The author and the publisher are not liable for any damages or losses that may result from the use of the information or tools in this article. Always consult a qualified IT professional before making any changes to your Active Directory environment.