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How to Fix the Keyboard Shortcut Conflict Between Device Toolbar and Profile Switching in Chromium Browsers

  • Fix the keyboard shortcut conflict between device toolbar and profile switching in Chromium browsers, which occurs because both actions are assigned to the same key combination: Ctrl + Shift + M.
  • Three methods to resolve the conflict: changing the keyboard shortcut for device toolbar in DevTools, changing the keyboard shortcut for profile switching in extension settings, or disabling profile switching entirely in browser flags.

If you use a Chromium-based browser such as Google Chrome or Brave, you may have encountered a problem with the keyboard shortcut for toggling the device toolbar and switching profiles. Both of these actions are assigned to the same key combination: Ctrl + Shift + M. This can be frustrating if you want to quickly switch between different devices or profiles without using the mouse. In this article, we will explain why this conflict occurs and how to resolve it by changing the keyboard shortcuts for either action.

What is the Device Toolbar and Why is it Useful?

The device toolbar is a feature in Chrome DevTools that allows you to simulate how your webpage looks and performs on different mobile devices. You can access it by pressing Ctrl + Shift + M or by clicking on the device icon in the top-left corner of DevTools. The device toolbar lets you choose from a list of popular devices, such as iPhones, iPads, Android phones, and tablets, or create your own custom device with specific dimensions, pixel ratio, and user agent. You can also adjust the network throttling, geolocation, orientation, and touch simulation settings to emulate different scenarios.

The device toolbar is useful for web developers who want to test their responsive design and optimize their website performance for various devices. It can also help web users who want to view a mobile version of a website or access some features that are only available on mobile devices.

What is Profile Switching and Why is it Useful?

Profile switching is a feature in Chromium browsers that allows you to create and manage multiple user profiles within the same browser. Each profile has its own bookmarks, history, settings, extensions, passwords, and cookies. You can access it by clicking on your profile icon in the top-right corner of the browser window or by pressing Ctrl + Shift + M. You can also create a shortcut on your desktop or taskbar for each profile for easy access.

Profile switching is useful for web users who want to separate their personal and professional browsing activities, share their browser with other people without compromising their privacy, or experiment with different settings and extensions without affecting their main profile.

Why Does the Keyboard Shortcut Conflict Occur?

The keyboard shortcut conflict between device toolbar and profile switching occurs because both features are implemented by Chromium, the open-source project that powers many browsers such as Chrome and Brave. Chromium assigns the same key combination (Ctrl + Shift + M) to both actions by default, regardless of whether DevTools is open or not. This means that when you press Ctrl + Shift + M, the browser will try to execute both actions at the same time, resulting in unpredictable behavior. For example, if you have DevTools open and press Ctrl + Shift + M, you may see the device toolbar toggle on and off rapidly, or switch to a different profile and lose your DevTools session.

How to Resolve the Keyboard Shortcut Conflict?

There are two ways to resolve the keyboard shortcut conflict between device toolbar and profile switching: changing the keyboard shortcut for one of the actions, or disabling one of the features entirely. We will explain both methods below.

Solution 1: Changing the Keyboard Shortcut for Device Toolbar

The easiest way to resolve the conflict is to change the keyboard shortcut for toggling the device toolbar in DevTools. To do this, follow these steps:

  1. Open DevTools by pressing F12 or Ctrl + Shift + I.
  2. Click on the Settings icon (the gear icon) in the top-right corner of DevTools.
  3. Select Shortcuts from the left sidebar.
  4. Find the Toggle device toolbar option under Elements.
  5. Click on the Edit button next to it.
  6. Press any key combination that you prefer, such as Ctrl + Shift + D or F9.
  7. Click on the Check button to confirm your choice.

Now you can use your new keyboard shortcut to toggle the device toolbar in DevTools without interfering with profile switching.

Solution 2: Changing the Keyboard Shortcut for Profile Switching

Another way to resolve the conflict is to change the keyboard shortcut for switching profiles in Chromium browsers. To do this, follow these steps:

  1. Open a new tab and type chrome://extensions/shortcuts in the address bar.
  2. Find the People section under Extension settings.
  3. Click on the Type a shortcut box next to Switch person.
  4. Press any key combination that you prefer, such as Ctrl + Shift + P or F8.
  5. Click on OK to confirm your choice.

Now you can use your new keyboard shortcut to switch profiles in Chromium browsers without interfering with device toolbar.

Solution 3: Disabling Profile Switching

If you don’t use profile switching at all, you can also disable it entirely in Chromium browsers. To do this, follow these steps:

  1. Open a new tab and type chrome://flags/#enable-new-profile-management in the address bar.
  2. Find the Enable new profile management system option under Experiments.
  3. Click on the drop-down menu next to it and select Disabled.
  4. Click on the Relaunch button at the bottom of the page to restart your browser.

Now you won’t see the profile icon in the top-right corner of your browser window, and you won’t be able to switch profiles or create new ones. You can still access your existing profiles by typing chrome://settings/people in the address bar.


In this article, we have explained why the keyboard shortcut conflict between device toolbar and profile switching occurs in Chromium browsers, and how to resolve it by changing the keyboard shortcuts for either action or disabling profile switching entirely. We hope this article has helped you solve your problem and improve your browsing experience.

Frequently Asked Questions

Here are some common questions and answers related to the topic of this article:

Question: How can I restore the default keyboard shortcuts for device toolbar and profile switching?

Answer: You can restore the default keyboard shortcuts by following the same steps as changing them, but instead of pressing a new key combination, press Backspace or Delete to clear the existing one.

Question: How can I create a new profile in Chromium browsers?

Answer: You can create a new profile by clicking on your profile icon in the top-right corner of the browser window, and then clicking on Add person. You can also type chrome://settings/people in the address bar and click on Add person.

Question: How can I delete a profile in Chromium browsers?

Answer: You can delete a profile by clicking on your profile icon in the top-right corner of the browser window, and then clicking on Manage people. You can also type chrome://settings/people in the address bar and click on Manage people. Then, hover over the profile that you want to delete and click on the Remove button.

Question: How can I rename a profile in Chromium browsers?

Answer: You can rename a profile by clicking on your profile icon in the top-right corner of the browser window, and then clicking on Edit person. You can also type chrome://settings/people in the address bar and click on Edit person next to the profile that you want to rename.


This article is for informational purposes only and does not constitute professional advice. The author is not affiliated with Chromium, Google, or Brave, and does not endorse or guarantee any of their products or services. The author is not responsible for any damages or losses that may result from following the instructions or suggestions in this article. Use them at your own risk.