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How Do You Get Iron Shovel, Hardwood and more in Towers of Aghasba?

In Towers of Aghasba, obtaining iron tools like the iron shovel or pickaxe can be tricky early in the game due to resource and quest constraints. Here are clear steps and alternatives for getting these items.

How Do You Get Iron Shovel, Hardwood and more in Towers of Aghasba?

Guaranteed Method: Wreckages for an Iron Shovel

  1. Head to the wrecked ships located near the mainland. These are accessible once you’ve repaired the bridge leading from your starter island.
  2. Look for the furthest wreck in the area. A chest containing an iron shovel can be found by climbing onto the rock formations nearby.
  3. Preserve this shovel’s durability for Tier 2 items like hardwood. It’s a limited-use tool, as crafting replacements isn’t possible early on.

Quest and Random Chance

  • The Handies’ Questline: Killing larger creatures and completing tasks might eventually lead to a higher-tier shovel, though it’s an extended process involving mid- and endgame zones.
  • Trader Option: Occasionally, traders (especially those exchanging items for Gold Dust) might offer an iron shovel, but this method is unreliable due to its random availability and limited inventory.

Hardwood Collection Tips

  • Tier 2 Plants: While hardwood can come from orange blossom plants requiring an iron shovel, it’s not the only source.
  • Alternative Gathering: Visit the grove managed by Hra (early questline) to chop trees around the area. Completing tasks here grants a consistent source of hardwood without needing Tier 2 tools.

Additional Recommendations

  • Build Progression: Focus on upgrading Mid Haven to Tier 2. This unlocks a smithy where iron tools can be crafted reliably.
  • Economy Management: Avoid wasting early resources like Gold Dust on uncertain trader deals. Save them for essential midgame upgrades.
  • Tier 1 Farming: Use standard shovels for basic materials to conserve your Tier 2 shovel for crucial tasks.

These approaches streamline your gameplay while balancing early challenges with efficient progression.