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How Do You Complete Rebreather Module Job in Uncle Chop’s Rocket Shop?

What’s the Trick to Completing the Rebreather Module Task in Uncle Chop’s Rocket Shop?

Let’s break it down so you don’t lose your cool.

How Do You Complete Rebreather Module Job in Uncle Chop’s Rocket Shop?

  1. Grab your screwdriver. Open up those latches. No shortcuts here, just twist and pop.
  2. You’re looking for these key components:
    • Pump: If it’s busted, swap it out.
    • Gas Filter: No filter? No breathing.
    • Canister: Needs to be intact and functional.
    • Heater Filament: Essential for heat regulation.
    • PANCAKE: Yes, it’s real, and it’s crucial. The code is 4-4-3-2. Don’t mess this up.
  3. If it doesn’t work, toss it and get a working one from the store. Yes, you’ll be running back and forth like a courier, but that’s part of the gig.
  4. Once all parts are in place, turn on the pump. Pull down the lever. This opens the “World.”
  5. Here’s where things get tricky:
    • Trees: You need 4 yellow trees (not red). Some say 3 trees work too—thanks, @Zeptor!
    • Bug Feeder: Must be filled with GNAT FLUID; no cutting corners here.
    • Snails: Two snails are required, but their condition matters:
      • Blue shell = No heat needed.
      • No dots on shell = Either missing a snail or not enough trees.
      • Not bluish/black = Feeder issue or low gnat fluid.
  6. If everything checks out:
    • Snails look healthy (blue/black shells).
    • Gas in the canister turns pink (this is your green light).
  7. Close it all up carefully, and you’re good to go!

Important Warnings

  • If there’s no PANCAKE installed and you open the cage to the World? Chaos ensues—things will fly out and vanish into oblivion. Trust me, it happened to me once, and I’m still recovering emotionally.
  • Double-check every part before handling the World to avoid unnecessary headaches.

This job is a mix of patience and precision, but once you get into a rhythm, it feels oddly satisfying—like solving a weird alien riddle!