What’s the Easiest Way to Defuse Pipebombs Without Exploding in Uncle Chop’s Rocket Shop?
Alright, let’s break this down. Pipebombs sound scary, but they’re not rocket science—well, technically, they are. Here’s how you handle them without blowing up your paycheck.
- First thing, open your guidebook. If you don’t have it, you’re flying blind. It’s like trying to solve a puzzle without the picture on the box.
- There are usually three bombs scattered around the ship. Don’t waste time; find them fast.
- Each bomb has wires with specific patterns. There are four types:
- Plain
- Stripe
- Spiral
- Dual
- The guidebook has a diagram that tells you which wires to cut based on their patterns, not their quantity. Pay attention!
- Wires are numbered from left to right—1 is farthest left, 4 is farthest right. Use your snipping tool to cut them in the correct sequence.
- Once the wires are sorted, press the button to defuse the bomb.
Examples for Clarity
Bomb 1
- Wire Types: Spiral, Plain, Dual
- Action: Venn diagram says no cuts needed. Just press the button and move on.
Bomb 2
- Wire Types: Spiral, Plain, Stripe
- Action: Cut the second wire (Stripe). Then press the button.
Bomb 3
- Wire Types: Spiral, Stripe
- Action: Cut the fourth wire (Stripe). Press that button.
Once all three bombs are defused, you can relax and finish up. This job pays well for how simple it is—seriously, it’s like finding cash under your couch cushions. Just stay calm and follow the guidebook like it’s your map to treasure.