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How Do You Complete AI Module Job in Uncle Chop’s Rocket Shop?

What’s the Trick to Completing the AI Module Job Perfectly in Uncle Chop’s Rocket Shop?

This job can feel chaotic, but it’s manageable if you follow these steps. Let’s break it down.

How Do You Complete AI Module Job in Uncle Chop’s Rocket Shop?

Preparation Steps

  1. Pull the lever all the way down.
  2. Inspect the Pancake (the circular part). If it’s faulty, replace it. If it works, leave it alone.
  3. Check the Rotators for damage.
  4. Examine the Band for wear and tear.

Fix Components

  • Unscrew or bolt everything marked for repair—except the Pancake if it’s functional.
  • Open up the Rotators section after unscrewing.

Inside Rotators

  • Check the motors: Are they broken? If yes, unscrew and replace them with correct ones.
  • Fix any other broken parts you find here.

Tip: The Pancake should be set to 4-4-4 before moving forward.

Reboot the AI System

  1. Press the power button.
  2. Push the lever up to 5 points of power.
  3. Press the Rotators button (top-right corner).
  4. Check both:
    • The AI’s current emotion (displayed top-right).
    • The intended emotion needed for the task.

Choose the Right AI Card

Match the AI’s emotion to these cards:

Emotion Card Needed
Neutral C2 – Cat
Anxious C2 – Tree
Bored Emotional Reset
Happy C1 – Bathtub
Love C2 – Cat, Cat
Shy C1 – Burger
Angry C2 – Tree, Rain
Sad C2 – Rain, Rain
Scared C2 – Toilet

Insert the correct cartridge into its slot.

Reset the AI

  1. Set power to 5 (if not already there).
  2. Click any three buttons, then press play (top button).

Emotional Shutdown

If an emotional shutdown happens, open up:

  • The Rotator section.
  • The AI module itself.

Use the code behind the AI:

  • 1 = Button goes left (green)
  • 0 = Button goes right (red)

Match this code with what’s displayed on-screen and pull the lever when done.

Final Adjustments

  1. Follow prompts to adjust buttons for mood correction:
    • 1 button = Power set to 1.
    • 2 buttons = Power set to 3.
  2. Once corrected, set power back to 5 and remove your cartridge.

Bolt and screw everything back into place—double-check your work before finishing! You’re done with this module.