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How to Batch Update Firmware for Xerox Networked Printers

Learn how to update the firmware of multiple Xerox printers in your network using different methods, such as Remote Services, Embedded Web Server, Firmware Update Tool, and Control Panel.

Firmware is the software that runs on your printer and controls its functions. Updating the firmware can improve the performance, security, and compatibility of your printer. In this article, you will learn how to batch update the firmware of multiple Xerox printers in your network using different methods, such as Remote Services, Embedded Web Server, Firmware Update Tool, and Control Panel. You will also learn how to check the current firmware version, enable upgrades, and verify the firmware integrity.

How to Batch Update Firmware for Xerox Networked Printers

Method 1: Automatic Update with Remote Services

Remote Services is a feature that allows your printer to communicate with Xerox and receive software updates automatically. This is the recommended method for network connected devices, as it saves you time and hassle. To use this method, you need to:

  • Enable Remote Services on your printer. You can do this from the Embedded Web Server or the Control Panel.
  • Check the current firmware version on your printer. You can do this from the Embedded Web Server or the Control Panel.
  • Enable software updates on your printer. You can do this from the Embedded Web Server or the Control Panel.
  • Configure the frequency and the email notifications for software updates. You can do this from the Embedded Web Server.

Once you have done these steps, your printer will automatically check for updates and install them when available. You can monitor the installation progress from the printer control panel. When the installation completes, the printer restarts and prints a Software Upgrade Report.

Method 2: Manual Update using the Embedded Web Server

Embedded Web Server is a web interface that allows you to access and manage your printer settings from a computer. You can use this method to manually update the firmware of your printer by downloading the firmware file from Xerox website and uploading it to the printer. To use this method, you need to:

  1. Download the firmware file for your printer model from Xerox website. The file will have an extension of .hd. Save the file to a local or network drive.
  2. Access the Embedded Web Server and log in as administrator.
  3. Click System, then Software Update.
  4. In the Update with File Specified area, select a file location, then click Install Now.

The printer will start the installation process and display a message when it is complete. The printer will then restart and print a Software Upgrade Report.

Method 3: Manual Update using the Firmware Update Tool

Firmware Update Tool is a software application that allows you to update the firmware of your printer from a computer. You can use this method for devices connected via a USB cable. To use this method, you need to:

  1. Download the Firmware Update Tool and the firmware file for your printer model from Xerox website. The file will have an extension of .hd. Save the files to a local or network drive.
  2. Run the Firmware Update Tool and follow the instructions on the screen. You will need to select the printer, the firmware file, and the connection type.
  3. Wait for the installation to finish. The printer will restart and print a Software Upgrade Report.

Method 4: Manual Update from the Control Panel

Control Panel is the physical interface that allows you to operate and configure your printer. You can use this method to manually check for software updates and install them if available. To use this method, you need to:

  1. Check the current firmware version on your printer. You can do this from the Control Panel.
  2. At the printer control panel, press the Home button. Log in as administrator.
  3. Touch Device, then Software Update.
  4. Touch Check Now. If there are no updates, touch Close. If there are updates available, touch Install Software.

The printer will start the installation process and display a message when it is complete. The printer will then restart and print a Software Upgrade Report.

Reference: Update the Printer’s Software (Firmware)

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

Question: How do I enable firmware verification?

Answer: Firmware verification is a feature that ensures that all installed firmware files are certified properly for the device. This feature is enabled by default. If it is disabled, you can enable it from the Embedded Web Server or the Control Panel.

Question: How do I update the firmware of multiple printers at once?

Answer: You can use the Remote Services method to update the firmware of multiple printers at once. You need to enable Remote Services and software updates on each printer, and configure the frequency and the email notifications. The printers will then automatically check for updates and install them when available.

Question: How do I know if the firmware update was successful?

Answer: You can check the firmware version on your printer from the Embedded Web Server or the Control Panel. You can also check the Software Upgrade Report that the printer prints after the installation. The report will show the previous and the current firmware versions, and the status of the update.


In this article, you learned how to batch update the firmware of multiple Xerox printers in your network using different methods, such as Remote Services, Embedded Web Server, Firmware Update Tool, and Control Panel. You also learned how to check the current firmware version, enable upgrades, and verify the firmware integrity. Updating the firmware can improve the performance, security, and compatibility of your printer.

Disclaimer: This article is for informational purposes only and does not constitute professional advice. Xerox is not responsible for any damages or losses that may result from following the instructions in this article. Always consult the official documentation and support resources before performing any software or firmware update.