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How to Avoid Losing Items from Butchering Pals in Palworld

Palworld is a game where you can explore, craft, build, and fight with your Pals, which are cute and sometimes dangerous creatures. Butchering Pals is one of the ways to get items and resources that you need to survive and progress in the game.

However, many players have encountered a problem where the items they should get from butchering Pals disappear before they can collect them.

How to Avoid Losing Items from Butchering Pals in Palworld

Why Do Items Disappear When Butchering Pals in Palworld?

This is a common and frustrating issue that affects many Palworld players. It happens when you kill a Pal and expect to see the items it drops, such as meat, fur, or bones, but they are nowhere to be found. It’s like they vanished into thin air as soon as the Pal died.

The main reason for this issue is a glitch in the game’s code that causes the items to clip through the ground and become unreachable. This glitch is more likely to happen when you butcher Pals inside your base, where the ground is not solid enough to hold the items.

This glitch can ruin your gameplay experience and make you lose valuable resources that you worked hard to get. It can also prevent you from completing quests and crafting items that require specific materials from Pals. Until the game developers fix this glitch, you need to find ways to avoid losing items from butchering Pals in Palworld.

How to Avoid Losing Items from Butchering Pals in Palworld?

Fortunately, there are some simple and effective solutions that you can try to prevent the items from disappearing when you butcher Pals. Here are two of the best methods that have worked for many players:

Method 1: Move Pals Outside Your Base Before Butchering

This is the easiest and most reliable solution. All you have to do is drag or carry your Pal outside the boundaries of your base and then butcher it there. This will ensure that the items drop on the solid ground and don’t fall through it. You can then pick up the items and bring them back to your base. This method works for most Pals, except for the ones that are too big or heavy to move.

Method 2: Butcher Pals on a Higher Surface Inside Your Base

This is another option that you can use if you don’t want to move your Pals outside your base. You can build a platform, a roof, or a second floor inside your base and butcher your Pals on top of it. This way, the items will drop to the lower level of your base and not disappear. However, this method is not as foolproof as the first one, as there is still a chance that the items will glitch through the platform or the roof.