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[Free Giveaway] Aoao SWF to GIF Converter v4.1 Registration Code to Convert SWF to GIF

Aoao is now free giveaway registration code for SWF to GIF Converter v4.1, lets everyone convert SWF files to GIF which compatible on the mobile platform and retain the quality of original SWF file, including speed rate and resolution. SWF to GIF Converter lets you control the length of animation precisely by inputting start and end times to the exact time frame. SWF to GIF Converter able to convert to other popular image formats like JPG, BMP, and lets you add special effects like Black and White, Invert, Blur, Brighten, Noise, and Sharpen.

[Free Giveaway] Aoao SWF to GIF Converter v4.1 Registration Code to Convert SWF into GIF

[Free Giveaway] Aoao SWF to GIF Converter v4.1 Registration Code to Convert SWF into GIF

Detail of features and download information as below:


  • Easily convert SWF animations to GIF animations or seriate static pictures like JPG, GIF, BMP, TGA, TIF, PCX, Ico, etc.
  • Preserve the original quality of your SWF animation.
  • Add special effects including black and white, grayscale, emboss, invert, blue, sharpen, noise, brighten, etc.
  • SWF to image resize.
  • Keep the frame rate as same as the original SWF file.
  • Support for: Windows XP, Vista, 7, 8.

Download Aoao SWF to GIF Converter v4.1
Registration code: 3696FFFEFC6D68F7F2EC2A5AFFFCFB7E63FDFCFA