Do you want to avoid unwanted calls without missing out on important notifications or turning off your phone? If yes, then this guide is for you.
In this guide, you will learn how to send calls to voicemail with a simple tweak that works on any carrier and any device. This way, you can enjoy peace of mind and still check your voicemail messages later.
How to Easily Send Calls to Voicemail Without Using DND or Turning Off Your Phone
Some devices have the option to send calls to voicemail when you enable Do Not Disturb (DND) mode or turn off your phone. However, these methods are not ideal if you want to keep your phone on and receive other notifications. DND mode can block important alerts and turning off your phone can make it useless. Therefore, you need a better solution to send calls to voicemail without using DND or turning off your phone.
Fortunately, there is a handy tweak that allows you to do just that. This tweak involves setting up call forwarding to your carrier’s voicemail number. This way, you can divert all incoming calls to your voicemail and still use your phone normally. The best part is that this tweak works on any carrier and any device, as long as you have a voicemail service.
Here are the steps to set up call forwarding to voicemail:
- Launch the Phone app and tap on the overflow icon (three dots) in the top right corner.
- Select Settings and then choose Supplementary Services.
- Tap on Call Forwarding and then select Always forward.
- Enter your carrier’s voicemail number and tap on Turn on.
That’s it. You have successfully set up call forwarding to voicemail. Now, whenever someone calls you, they will be directed to your voicemail and you will not be disturbed. You can check your voicemail messages later at your convenience.
If you want to disable call forwarding to voicemail, just follow the same steps and tap on Turn off in the last step.
We hope this guide helped you learn how to send calls to voicemail without using DND or turning off your phone. If you have any questions or feedback, please let us know in the comments. We will be happy to help you.