This article describe the configuration of ‘set route-map’ in the FortiManager BGP template.
In BGP configuration, ‘set route-map’ is often used for BGP route control with rules. In the FortiManager GUI BGP template, the configuration may be hidden if it is not applied correctly. The route-map configuration is located under Device Manager -> Provisioning template -> BGP template -> IPv4 Redistribute / IPv6 Redistribute.
Users may experience the error below although IPv4 Redistribute and IPv6 Redistribute are disabled:
This configuration can be configured even though it is disabled and it will be hidden from the GUI. To remove the ‘set route-map’ configuration, users need to enable it and change the filter to ALL:
After removing the filter in IPv4 Redistribute and IPv6 Redistribute, users should be able to save the BGP template successfully.
Users may disable the IPv4 Redistribute/IPv6 Redistribute after removing the Filter if do not wish to enable the IPv4 Redistribute/IPv6 Redistribute status.
Besides, users may check the BGP template IPv4 Redistribute/IPv6 Redistribute if they find any unknown route-map configured during the Install Preview: