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6 Simple Solutions for Palworld Server Not Appearing in Community List Issues

If your Palworld server isn’t appearing in the community list, follow these steps to troubleshoot and potentially fix the problem.

Solution 1: Add Launch Parameter

To show your server in the community list, add this launch parameter to PalServer.exe: EpicApp=PalServer. This lets users enter the password if you set one. Note that the community server search only shows the first 200 results. If your server is not among them, you need to scroll through the rest.

6 Simple Solutions for Palworld Server Not Appearing in Community List Issues

Solution 2: Set Different Region and Restart

For console users, go to Profile and System > Settings > System > Language and Location. Pick a different region and restart your console. For PC users, try using a VPN to change your region.

Solution 3: Player Progress

If your server progress resets after an update, you may need to restore the PalWorldSettings.ini file. You must have a backup of this file before updating. Otherwise, it may be hard to get your progress back.

Solution 4: Private Server

If your friends can’t join your private server, make it a community server with a password. This will put your server in the in-game community list, and players will need a password to join.

Solution 5: Connection Timeout

If your server is in the Community Server list but players can’t join, check your server settings. Make sure the IP and port are correct. If you still have problems, contact the game support team.

Solution 6: GTXGaming Steps

If you can’t connect to your Palworld game server, follow these steps from GTXGaming: stop the server, edit the Start.bat file, and restart the server.

Don’t let your Palworld server visibility issues ruin your fun. By following these simple solutions, you can fix them and enjoy the game with your friends. You can also try different methods or ask for help if needed. We wish you a wonderful Palworld experience!

Also read: How To Setup Dedicated Server to Host Palworld