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Fix Keeper Vault Quest Bug Not Working in Last Epoch

Last Epoch is a thrilling action RPG that offers a rich and immersive gaming experience. However, some players have encountered a nasty bug that blocks their progress in the early stages of the game. This bug is related to the Keeper Vault quest, where you have to follow an old man named Keeper Balthas to a hidden vault.

The problem occurs when you lose track of Balthas, either by teleporting back to town or by wandering off the quest path. When this happens, Balthas stops following you and you cannot interact with the Keeper Guard at the end of the vault. This effectively prevents you from completing the quest and moving on with the game.

Fix Keeper Vault Quest Bug Not Working in Last Epoch

Fortunately, there is a simple and effective way to fix this bug without having to contact the game’s support team. All you have to do is go back to the entrance of the Keeper Vault, where you will find Balthas waiting for you. He will resume following you and lead you to the Keeper Guard, who will then let you enter the vault and finish the quest.

If you still cannot see Balthas at the entrance of the vault, try going back and forth between the Fortress Walls and the Keeper Vault zones until he appears. This should force him to spawn and follow you again.

Once you have Balthas with you, you can enjoy the rest of the quest, which includes a short cutscene and a reward. You will then be able to continue your adventure in the world of Eterra without any further glitches.

However, if this solution does not work for you, you may have to restart the game and try again. If the bug still persists, you can report it to the developer through their official website or their Steam page.