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DevSecOps and Application Security Best Practices

Does your organization do software development in-house? If you’d like to learn more about application security but don’t know where to start, this article will arm you with development and security fundamentals.

DevSecOps and Application Security Best Practices

DevSecOps and Application Security Best Practices

Interested in application security but don’t know where to start? This article explains the types of development workflows and tools that developers need to stay productive while also ensuring that their code is secure. Learn about the different types of AppSec tools (SAST, DAST, IAST) and get guidance on when and why to use each tool.

Table of contents

Waterfall, agile, DevOps, and DevSecOps basics
What is DevOps?
What is DevSecOps?
Enterprise development requirements
Start security testing by shifting left
Static versus dynamic testing
Shifting left eliminates unnecessary work later
What to look for in an application security tool
Essential features
Team-specific needs
What to look for in an AppSec software-as-a-service (SaaS) platform
Developers want the ease of use, speed, and accuracy.
DevOps leads need integrations for development environments, tools, and cloud platforms.
CISOs focus on security vulnerabilities and policy compliance
Best-in-class AppSec tools and services


If your organization does software development in-house, there are a myriad of development workflows and processes to choose from. Some organizations still implement old-school waterfall development workflows; some are agile shops. In terms of process, some have adopted DevOps, and some integrate security testing into DevOps workflows for DevSecOps.

How and why should you transition from one approach to another? What do you need to change in terms of culture, tools, techniques, and processes? What tools and processes can help you integrate application security into your DevOps workflows and enable seamless testing for developers in your organization? Which tools and processes work in which stages of the software development life cycle (SDLC)? Should you be thinking about containerization? Should you develop code in the cloud? How do you get started? If you’re a CISO, how does DevSecOps improve software security and generate tangible savings in lead times to prevent a major exploit? How should you evaluate and select application security tools, and how should you partner with your development teams?

This article answers some of these questions and describes best practices for securely accelerating your software velocity.

Waterfall, agile, DevOps, and DevSecOps basics

Many organizations have moved away from the rigid sequential stages of waterfall toward agile development. Agile development gives organizations the flexibility to make changes in any phase, support frequent requirement changes, and perform testing concurrently with software development.

What is DevOps?

DevOps is an ideology that combines cultural philosophies, technical practices, and tools to help developers and IT operations teams work collaboratively to build, test, and release software faster and more reliably.

According to The DevOps Handbook, “In the DevOps ideal, developers receive fast, constant feedback on their work, which enables them to quickly and independently implement, integrate, and validate their code, and have the code deployed into the production environment.”

What is DevSecOps?

DevSecOps involves integrating security testing into continuous integration (CI) / continuous delivery (CD) workflows. Automated software development workflows and processes facilitate CI/CD (e.g., in the build, test, and release phases).

Continuous integration (CI) is a software development practice where team members integrate their work frequently. Typically, each person integrates daily, leading to multiple integrations per day. Integrations are verified by an automated build (including test) to detect integration errors as quickly as possible. CI build servers automatically pull in requisite files and dependencies from SCM repositories when developers check their updates into the version control system.

Continuous delivery (CD) is a software development discipline where software is built in such a way that it can be released to production at any time. Continuous deployment (also CD) means that every change goes through the pipeline and automatically gets put into production, resulting in many production deployments every day. Build servers are also used to enable continuous deployment, deploying updates to production when a build succeeds and passes all tests. Following stringent CI/CD, workflows are becoming the norm in modern enterprises that develop and deploy software.

Enterprise development requirements

Developers need to be able to write, debug, and test code quickly and easily, before checking it into a central build. They need access to industry-standard integrated development environments (IDEs) that support their style of code development and code integration. Many DevOps tools integrate into the IDE to ensure developers can use them without any friction.

Logically, this trend should also apply to application security testing and AppSec tools. Tools that can integrate into the IDE are preferred by developers, who can then maintain security compliance while they work in their native environments. Better security compliance from developers helps security executives improve operational efficiencies and accelerate release velocities. Improved efficiencies and faster release velocities, in turn, translate into a significant reduction in the total cost of ownership of the application security solution.

Zooming out, we see emerging technologies in container development slowly becoming mainstream. Development teams are adopting container orchestration systems, such as Kubernetes, to automate container and binary cluster deployments and to control and manage the scaling of containerized applications. Large enterprises are moving development to the cloud to offload costs and save resources while benefiting from a faster time to market and the scalability advantages of not having to purchase and maintain servers.

At the end of the day, it’s all about increasing software velocity to meet rapidly changing business needs. To do this, organizations need to empower their developers by giving them tools and establishing workflows that make delivering secure, high-quality software faster and more efficient.

Start security testing by shifting left.

Many studies have shown that it’s faster, easier, and cheaper to find and fix software issues early in the development process, as developers write code, rather than later (e.g., in testing, QA, or production). Organizations often use application security tools, such as static application security testing (SAST) tools, early in development to find and fix both quality issues and security vulnerabilities. Teams often use SAST tools in conjunction with software composition analysis (SCA) tools, which find security vulnerabilities and license issues in open source components.

Static versus dynamic testing

Many organizations use dynamic application security testing (DAST) or penetration testing during QA or just before production. DAST and pen testing dynamically test an application for security vulnerabilities that can’t be detected using SAST or SCA tools. Security teams often perform DAST and pen testing periodically on live released applications for security compliance reasons. But running dynamic testing on live applications exposes them to cyber-attacks and potential data breaches.

Also, while DAST and pen testing can identify security vulnerabilities, they can’t identify the corresponding lines of code containing the vulnerability—something that SAST tools can do before an application is in production to reduce the attack surface for a potential vulnerability. As a result, critical security issues identified by DAST can be problematic to fix and can take a long time to resolve. With companies now deploying to production multiple times a day (e.g., Netflix), a live security vulnerability lurking in production code can spell disaster, affecting the bottom line instantly. This potential for far-reaching, immediate impact from a single vulnerability is why SAST sees more widespread adoption than DAST.

Shifting left eliminates unnecessary work later.

Instead of sifting through and prioritizing long lists of security issues (including false positives) generated by “noisy” DAST tools post-release, security teams should instead work closely with their development teams to eliminate vulnerabilities earlier in the SDLC by using SAST, SCA, and interactive application security testing (IAST) tools. IAST tools dynamically test applications during runtime, typically in the test and QA phases, to identify security vulnerabilities that SAST or SCA tools couldn’t find. Unlike DAST tools, which have slower analysis times, IAST tools can integrate seamlessly with build and test automation tools (e.g., Selenium) and quickly generate analysis results that identify specific lines of code where security vulnerabilities reside. As a result, developers can fix identified issues quickly and push their commits to run automated CI/CD workflows.

What to look for in an application security tool

Essential features

  • Application security (AppSec) tools must have certain basic features to be effective:
  • They must be fast, accurate, and comprehensive.
  • They must be easy to use and easy to deploy, with support for multiple languages and frameworks.
  • They must have powerful automated analysis engines that don’t just scratch the surface but dive in deeper to find critical quality and security vulnerabilities that are difficult or impossible to discover through manual code review or penetration testing.
  • They must provide support, plugins, and integrations for various tools in the SDLC: industry-standard IDEs, source code and OSS repositories, CI build servers, bug trackers for triaging identified issues, and cloud and container development tools.


With the need to stay competitive and achieve a faster go-to-market, organizations are focusing on low-overhead application security testing, which is driving the push to go to the cloud. Therefore, application security testing tools must seamlessly integrate with development and DevOps tools used either on-premises or in the cloud. AppSec tools must fit with the tools that developers and DevOps leads are already using or will use in the future. If these tools slow down development, neither development nor DevOps teams will adopt them.


AppSec tools must also provide comprehensive and extensible reporting schemes. These should cover not only the tactical aspects for triaging and remediation by security teams but also executive-level dashboards and reports for heads of development and security. For example, they must provide security trend data and compliance information about industry taxonomies (e.g., OWASP Top 10, CWE/SANS Top 25). AppSec tools must be adaptable to organizations’ needs and help them reduce compliance overhead. Financial services organizations, for example, need reports in PCI formats, whereas the medical industry relies on compliance reporting with HIPAA.

Team-specific needs

Security leads strive for continuous visibility into the most critical vulnerabilities that could adversely affect their organizations. Development leads, on the other hand, rely on AppSec tools to provide (1) detailed contextual remediation guidance for identified issues and (2) real-time security training, so developers don’t need to be security experts to fix vulnerabilities and check-in cleaner code.

What to look for in an AppSec software-as-a-service (SaaS) platform

Each role in an organization looks for certain factors when evaluating a new platform:

Development leads look for tools that fit seamlessly into their existing workflows, that are accurate, and that don’t generate a lot of false positives. They want to avoid tool-related developer frustration and wasted time.

DevOps leads look for tools that integrate with their existing build systems and development and test tools and processes.

CISOs, allied executives, and security leads look for robust, comprehensive reporting capabilities that accurately prioritize critical security vulnerabilities for remediation. They look for time-saving automated tools that can generate executive-level reports that help them maintain compliance with regulatory and security standards.

Synopsys’ Polaris Software Integrity Platform™ is a scalable solution that can address many requirements for each of these roles out of the box.

Figure 1. Synopsys Software Integrity Platform

Figure 1. Synopsys Software Integrity Platform

Developers want the ease of use, speed, and accuracy.

Developers need AppSec tools that help them do their job without getting in their way or creating extra work. Developers typically use SAST IDE plugins to identify and fix issues before checking in their code for central build analysis. However, many SAST IDE plugins are “lightweight” and can find only a subset of vulnerabilities. Using them can cause builds to break because of security compliance or quality gates.

With Synopsys’ Code Sight™ IDE plugin for the Polaris platform, developers don’t have to sacrifice accuracy for speed. Code Sight is a productivity tool that helps developers identify and triage software defects early in the SDLC, so they don’t propagate the same errors further downstream, where it’s much more expensive and time-consuming to remediate.

Fast incremental analysis With Code Sight, developers can get Coverity SAST incremental analysis results in seconds within their IDE. Code Sight does incremental analysis automatically in the background every time developers open or save a file. For consistent, accurate results, the plugin uses the same Coverity analysis engine used for full baseline central analysis. And Polaris automatically synchronizes incremental analysis results with central analysis scans, so developers can focus on coding without having to invoke scans manually or interrupt their workflow.

Security training and remediation advice Developers using Code Sight get “in-the-moment” security training and remediation advice on how to fix issues as they are coding, without leaving their IDE. Remediation advice includes detailed issue descriptions, prioritized vulnerabilities by severity, links to CWE information, and dataflows that help them debug their issues and prevent security and quality issues from entering the main codebase.

Code Sight also provides developers with links to eLearning courses related to the CWEs associated with specific issues in their code. When developers receive contextual security training, they don’t have to be security experts to fix new vulnerabilities as they arise.

Consistent user experience Code Sight’s modern developer interface is consistent across standard industry IDEs (e.g., Visual Studio, Eclipse, IntelliJ) and all Synopsys products supported on the Polaris platform. Consequently, developers don’t have to learn a new UI each time they use a new security tool.

Figure 2. Code Sight screenshot examples (in IntelliJ)

Figure 2. Code Sight screenshot examples (in IntelliJ)

Figure 2. Code Sight screenshot examples (in IntelliJ)

Figure 2. Code Sight screenshot examples (in IntelliJ)

Open source management According to the Synopsys 2019 OSSRA report, the majority of codebases (96%) reviewed by the Black Duck Audit Services team in 2018 contained some open source code. More than 60% of the codebases contained known vulnerabilities, and 68% had license conflicts. Policy violations can occur with security policies, technical/operational policies, or legal compliance policies that cite restricted legal licenses.

With tools such as Black Duck SCA, developers can get information on the risks associated with their use of open source components—including security vulnerabilities and license policy violations—early in the development process. Black Duck Radar, a native Chrome browser plugin, shifts analysis even further left, as it can identify free and open-source software (FOSS) components with known issues based on version numbers before developers download them for use.

Figure 3. How Synopsys products fit into the SDLC

Figure 3. How Synopsys products fit into the SDLC

Cross-correlation of results between tools Using the analysis results from one tool to improve the results from another leverages the strengths of each tool and saves developers time. The Polaris platform will soon support cross-correlation between Coverity SAST and Black Duck SCA. Developers can use Coverity to determine which open source vulnerabilities it identifies are reachable in the code and to help prioritize issues for remediation. They can use Black Duck to filter these Coverity-identified issues to those found in open source components to be triaged and mitigated using Black Duck. They can then use Coverity to focus on issues related to proprietary code in the same application.

DevOps leads need integrations for development environments, tools, and cloud platforms.

DevOps leads don’t want to have to write scripts to get new AppSec tools to work in their CI/CD workflows. Instead, they want tools that are ready to integrate with their CI build servers, container orchestration and cloud platforms, and repositories. With Polaris, Synopsys SIG products (e.g., Coverity, Black Duck, Seeker) work with a myriad of developer tools, including Code Sight for market-leading IDEs, as seen in Figure 4 below.

Figure 4. Polaris platform support

Figure 4. Polaris platform support

Scalability With Polaris, it’s possible to quickly onboard and analyze thousands of applications and support tens of thousands of developers. The platform’s support of industry-standard cloud platforms on the Kubernetes orchestration engine enables accurate and comprehensive security scanning that elastically scales with your business requirements.

CISOs focus on security vulnerabilities and policy compliance

CISOs and security leads need to be able to understand and manage their organizations’ security risk posture across their application portfolio at any time. They need to be able to identify, prioritize, and resolve the most critical security vulnerabilities that threaten their organizations. Polaris combines best-in-class security tools with robust executive security reporting dashboards to provide cross-product aggregated reporting. The platform also cross-correlates analysis results to ensure reports are highly accurate and comprehensive.

Figure 5. Polaris cross-product aggregated reporting view of Coverity SAST, Black Duck SCA, and Seeker IAST analysis results

Figure 5. Polaris cross-product aggregated reporting view of Coverity SAST, Black Duck SCA, and Seeker IAST analysis results

Figure 5 shows the Polaris reporting option to download either individual analysis reports or an aggregate report of analysis results for a project. For the project shown, analyses from Coverity SAST, Black Duck SCA, and Seeker IAST are available.

Polaris also provides reporting dashboards of industry-recognized security standards (e.g., OWASP Top 10, CWE/SANS Top 25). Users can create priority lists (e.g., top issues by technical risk indicators, as shown in Figure 6) so they can focus on the issues that matter most to the organization. Predefined filters allow users to filter and group issues by CWE, standards taxonomy, priority list, risk indicator, path, and individual developer owners for quick remediation. Polaris provides central policy management features, an aggregated risk profile of issues, trend information for categories and issues over time, and the ability to generate PDF reports for audit and management reporting.

Figure 6. Polaris Technical Risk Indicators view

Figure 6. Polaris Technical Risk Indicators view

Best-in-class AppSec tools and services

Synopsys application security solutions have been recognized as industry leaders in industry analyst reports, such as the Gartner Magic Quadrant for Application Security Testing, The Forrester Wave™: Static Application Security Testing, Q4 2017, and The Forrester Wave™: Software Composition Analysis, Q2 2019. Our products and services help development and security teams build secure, high-quality software faster.

Coverity SAST. Coverity helps developers find and fix security defects early in the SDLC, with support for 20 languages and over 70 frameworks and template engines, as well as security checkers to help ensure compliance with OWASP Top 10, CWE/SANS Top 25, PCI DSS, and other standards. Coverity gives teams the flexibility to analyze code in the IDE and on the build server, on-premises and in the cloud.

Black Duck SCA. Black Duck enables teams to secure and manage open source across their software supply chain. Black Duck’s unique multifactor open source discovery technology accurately detects open source in source code, binaries, and container images, giving development, security, and legal teams complete visibility into their open source security and license compliance risks. Also, integrated policy management allows teams to automate open source governance, so they can build fast while staying secure and compliant.

Seeker IAST. Seeker helps development, QA, and security teams automate application security testing with CI and test automation tools. Seeker is the only IAST solution that actively verifies that identified vulnerabilities are exploitable, using patented technology, reducing false positives to near zero. Its unique sensitive-data tracking feature automatically detects when user-designated sensitive data is exposed in logs, databases, or files.

Managed Security Testing. Synopsys Managed Security Testing Services deliver on-demand security testing performed by a team of security experts, helping organizations cost-effectively address complex test scenarios. Synopsys’ Managed Penetration Testing combines testing tools and in-depth manual tests focusing on business logic to find vulnerabilities outside common standards, including authentication checks, access control testing, logging and monitoring, workflow bypass, and manual review to identify false positives.

Polaris Software Integrity Platform. Polaris brings Synopsys’ tools together to provide a comprehensive, automated application security solution that enables teams to build secure software faster. The Code Sight IDE plugin integrates security analysis into the developer’s desktop. At the same time, the Polaris central server gives security and development teams a single-pane-of-glass view of project vulnerability trends. It helps them manage compliance with the security standards and regulations that are most important to their organization.

Source: Synopsys