Discover the MVS command to quickly check the date and time of the last IPL on your mainframe system. Learn how to use the ‘D a,l’ command for easy access to critical IPL information.
Table of Contents
MVS command to check date and time of last IPL is
A. D system info
B. D IPL info
C. D a,l
The correct MVS command to check the date and time of the last IPL (Initial Program Load) is:
C. D a,l
This command, which stands for “Display active,long”, provides detailed information about the current system status, including the date and time of the last IPL.
When you enter ‘D a,l’ in the command line, the system will display a comprehensive report that includes:
- The system name and current date and time
- The date and time of the last IPL
- The type of IPL (cold, quick, warm)
- The IPL address and IPL volume serial number
- The PLPA, CSA, SQA, and MLPA sizes
- The LNKLST and LPA library names
By using this command, mainframe system administrators can quickly and easily access critical information about the last IPL, which can be helpful for troubleshooting, performance analysis, and system management tasks.
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