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How to solve the Duviri Enigmas and craft Cinta bow in Warframe

To get your hands on Cinta, one of the most elegant bows in Warframe, you’ll need to meet some requirements and solve challenging puzzles.

How to solve the Duviri Enigmas and craft Cinta bow in Warframe

Here’s what you need to do:


  • Reach Mastery Rank 6
  • Complete the Duviri Paradox quest
  • Have an open weapon slot

How to Solve Duviri Enigmas

  1. Find an owl-like creature sitting on a pedestal with three symbols.
  2. Stand near it until a white circle appears on your mini-map, indicating the puzzle area.
  3. Search within the white circle, breaking containers and collecting blue coins.
  4. Locate floating drums and either:
    • Shoot them to align the symbols with those on the hutch, or
    • Throw blue coins into them, or
    • Throw blue coins and shoot the metal below the drum to refund the coin.
  5. Solving the enigma gives you a chance to obtain Cinta components:
    • Cinta Blueprint
    • Cinta Grip
    • Cinta Lower Limb
    • Cinta String
    • Cinta Upper Limb

If you’re missing any parts, consider trading with other players who might have extras.

How to Craft Cinta

Once you have all the components, craft Cinta in the Foundry using these resources:

  • Cinta Grip: 40x Kovnik, 6x Maw Fang, 50x Lamentus, 80x Aggristone
  • Cinta Lower Limb: 40x Eevani, 100x Ariette Scale, 50x Lamentus, 20x Silphsela
  • Cinta String: 40x Connla Sprout, 20x Tasoma Extract, 50x Lamentus, 75x Saggen Pearl
  • Cinta Upper Limb: 40x Yao Shrub, 60x Dracroot, 50x Lamentus, 80x Aggristone
  • 25,000 Credits

With perseverance and skill, you’ll soon be wielding the magnificent Cinta bow in your Warframe arsenal.