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How to get Shino as follower in Mad Island

To befriend Shino in Mad Island, you’ll need a Steak Set meal, which requires:

  • 1 raw beef
  • 1 onion
  • 1 potato
  • 1 berry

Once you have the meal ready, head to the northeast part of the map. Look for a small entrance at the bottom of a mound, just below where the grass turns blue. This is where you’ll find Shino’s camp and your first encounter with her.

Once you have the meal ready, head to the northeast part of the map. Look for a small entrance at the bottom of a mound, just below where the grass turns blue. This is where you'll find Shino's camp and your first encounter with her.

After the initial dialogue, Shino will move to the northern mound. Follow her there by going around and over the mound. You’ll see the event marked on your map.

After the initial dialogue, Shino will move to the northern mound. Follow her there by going around and over the mound. You'll see the event marked on your map.

To trigger the third event and decide Shino’s fate, return to her camp at night. You’ll have three options:

  • Leave: This simply exits the dialogue.
  • Be sarcastic: Insulting Shino will anger her. You can then choose to leave (press R on her) or kill her and dismantle her body.
  • Present the Steak Set: Apologizing after presenting the meal will make Shino your friend. Demanding an apology instead will lead back to the second option.

To trigger the third event and decide Shino's fate, return to her camp at night. You'll have three options.

By following these steps and choosing your words wisely, you’ll be able to win Shino over and gain a valuable ally in Mad Island. Remember, a little kindness and a well-prepared meal can go a long way in forging friendships in this unforgiving world.