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How to Generate Software Release Bill of Materials (BOM) with Version Control

Key Takeaways

  • A software release BOM is a documentation that lists the details of each component in a software release, such as its name, version, dependencies, and source code location.
  • To create a software release BOM, you need to create a file for each component with the version information and the repository tag, embed the file into the component as a part of the build process, and use the what utility to extract the version information from the component.
  • A software release BOM helps you to track the changes and updates of each component, identify and resolve any compatibility or dependency issues, verify the integrity and authenticity of each component, comply with any licensing or security requirements, and communicate and collaborate with other developers, testers, and stakeholders.

A software release is a collection of software components that work together to provide a specific functionality or solve a problem. A software release may consist of executable files, libraries, configuration files, documentation, and other resources. To ensure the quality and consistency of a software release, it is important to document the details of each component, such as its name, version, dependencies, and source code location. This documentation is called a software release bill of materials (BOM).


In this article, we will show you how to generate a software release BOM that includes the version information of each component and the source code repository tags. We will use a simple example of a software release that consists of three components: a web server, a database, and a web application. We will assume that each component is developed and maintained in a separate Git repository, and that each release is tagged with a unique identifier.

Step 1: Create a file for each component with the version information and the repository tag

The first step is to create a file for each component that contains the version information and the repository tag. This file can be in any format, such as plain text, JSON, XML, or YAML. For example, for the web server component, you can create a file named webserver.txt with the following content:

Name: Web Server
Version: 1.2.3
Tag: v1.2.3

Similarly, for the database and the web application components, you can create files named database.txt and webapp.txt with the corresponding information.

Step 2: Embed the version information file into each component

The next step is to embed the version information file into each component as a part of the build process. This way, you can easily access the version information from the component itself, without relying on external sources. There are different ways to embed the version information file into each component, depending on the programming language and the build tool that you use. For example, for a C/C++ component, you can use a static variable to store the version information file as a string, and then compile it into the binary. For example, for the web server component, you can use the following code:

static char version_info[] = "@(#)webserver.txt\n"
"Name: Web Server\n"
"Version: 1.2.3\n"
"Tag: v1.2.3\n";

The @(#) prefix is a convention used by the what utility, which can extract the version information from the binary. Alternatively, you can use other methods, such as embedding the file as a resource, using a linker option, or using a preprocessor macro.

Step 3: Use the what utility to extract the version information from each component

The final step is to use the what utility to extract the version information from each component. The what utility is a standard Unix tool that can scan a binary file for strings that start with @(#), and print them to the standard output. You can use the what utility to generate a report that lists the version information of each component in your software release. For example, for the web server component, you can run the following command:

what webserver

And you will get the following output:

Name: Web Server
Version: 1.2.3
Tag: v1.2.3

You can repeat this process for the other components, and combine the outputs into a single file that represents your software release BOM. For example, you can create a file named release.txt with the following content:

Name: Web Server
Version: 1.2.3
Tag: v1.2.3

Name: Database
Version: 4.5.6
Tag: v4.5.6

Name: Web Application
Version: 7.8.9
Tag: v7.8.9

This file is your software release BOM that includes the version information of each component and the source code repository tags.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

Question: What are the benefits of using version control and tags for software release BOM?

Answer: Using version control and tags for software release BOM has several benefits, such as:

  • It allows you to track the history and changes of each component across different releases
  • It enables you to reproduce and verify the exact state of each component for a specific release
  • It simplifies the process of updating and deploying new versions of each component
  • It facilitates the collaboration and communication among developers, testers, and stakeholders

Question: What are some alternative methods or tools for generating software release BOM?

Answer: There are some alternative methods or tools for generating software release BOM, such as:

  • Using a dedicated BOM management software or platform, such as OpenBOM, Arena, or BOMIST
  • Using a spreadsheet or a document to manually record the version information of each component
  • Using a package manager or a dependency manager, such as npm, pip, or Maven, to automatically generate a BOM from the dependencies of each component
  • Using a software composition analysis tool, such as Black Duck, WhiteSource, or Snyk, to scan and analyze the components and their licenses, vulnerabilities, and risks

Question: How to update the software release BOM when a new version of a component is released?

Answer: To update the software release BOM when a new version of a component is released, you need to:

  • Update the version information file of the component with the new version number and the new repository tag
  • Embed the updated version information file into the component as a part of the build process
  • Use the what utility to extract the updated version information from the component
  • Update the software release BOM file with the updated version information of the component


In this article, we have shown you how to generate a software release BOM that includes the version information of each component and the source code repository tags. We have used a simple example of a software release that consists of three components: a web server, a database, and a web application. We have used the following steps to create the BOM:

  • Create a file for each component with the version information and the repository tag
  • Embed the version information file into each component as a part of the build process
  • Use the what utility to extract the version information from each component
  • Combine the outputs into a single file that represents the software release BOM

We hope that this article has helped you to understand the concept and the process of generating a software release BOM. If you have any questions or feedback, please feel free to leave a comment below.

Disclaimer: The information provided in this article is for educational and informational purposes only. The author and the publisher are not liable for any errors or omissions, or for any consequences arising from the use of this information. The tools and methods mentioned in this article are not endorsed or sponsored by the author or the publisher. The users are responsible for verifying the accuracy and suitability of the information and the tools for their own purposes.