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Change Campaign Names in Baldur’s Gate 3

Struggling with Campaign Names in Baldur’s Gate 3? Two Easy Solutions to Rename a Campaign in Baldur’s Gate 3

Renaming campaign in Baldur’s Gate 3 can be tricky, as the game automatically names campaign based on your character’s name at creation. Even if you change the character’s name later, the campaign name remains tied to the original. However, there are two methods to work around this limitation. Follow these steps carefully to rename your campaign.

How Do You Change Campaign Names in Baldur’s Gate 3?

Preparation: Back Up Your Save Files

  1. Before making any changes, locate your Baldur’s Gate 3 save folder.
  2. Back up the entire “story” folder or specific save files to an external drive, cloud storage, or another location on your computer. This ensures you can restore your progress if something goes wrong.

Solution 1: Delete All Saves Except the Latest

This method is straightforward but will remove older save files for the campaign.

  1. Open File Explorer.
  2. Enter %localappdata% in the address bar.
  3. Navigate to: Larian Studios > Baldur’s Gate 3 > PlayerProfiles > Public > Savegames > Story.
  4. To verify save files, look for folders named in this format: (CharacterName)_(numberstring)-(savename)
    Example: Carnec_12345678-Autosave.
  5. Open Baldur’s Gate 3 and go to the Load screen.
  6. Note that the campaign name matches the character name from your earliest save.
  7. Click on the campaign name (not individual saves) in the Load menu.
  8. Select “Delete all but latest.”
  9. Exit and re-enter the Load menu. The campaign name should now match your character’s name in the latest save file.

Solution 2: Rename Save Files

This method allows you to keep all your save files while renaming the campaign.

  1. Use File Explorer to navigate to Save Folder: AppData\Local\Larian Studios\Baldur’s Gate 3\PlayerProfiles\Public\Savegames\Story.
  2. Change every folder with your old character’s name (e.g., Carnec) to the new desired name (e.g., Bob).
  3. Keep the numberstring and savename intact.
    Example: Rename Carnec_12345678-Autosave to Bob_12345678-Autosave.
  4. Launch Baldur’s Gate 3 and check the Load menu.
  5. If duplicate saves appear (one local and one cloud), delete cloud saves with a cloud icon next to them.
  6. Exit and re-enter the Load menu after deleting duplicates. The campaign name should now reflect your new character name.

Important Notes

  • When editing save files, always back up data to prevent accidental loss.
  • Cloud saves may cause duplicates after renaming; ensure you delete cloud versions as needed.
  • If issues persist, repeat steps carefully or consider starting a new campaign with your desired name.

By following these methods, you can personalize your campaigns and enjoy a more tailored experience in Baldur’s Gate 3.